Seu jogo de tiroteio de penalidade. Pare o relógio e pontue. What's your record?
How many goals will you score? Download Stop & Goal for free, the penalty shootout game in which you have to shoot in the exact moment in time to score a goal. Show your friends who the best penalty taker is and try and beat their record.
Constantly test your skills and become the best penalty taker with this game. There's no goalkeeper here. It's just you and your rival, the stopwatch. If you stop the watch at the right moment the ball will shoot straight into the net. Stop & Goal is a must have for true soccer fans.
Take part in the ultimate soccer challenge
The Stop & Goal Challenge consists of a penalty shootout that blends the rush of football, enjoyment of games and the adrenaline of being timed. Put your boots on, take a shot, get the best record and challenge your friends.
Gain the admiration of a true champion
Markus is the best footballer from the Stop & Goal Challenge. He will challenge you to beat his record. Do you think you can gain his respect? Learn from him and join the elite being the best at stopping the watch.
Take the perfect shot
If you take your penalty bang on the the 00ms, your shot will be perfect and your score will increase a lot quicker. Markus will give you as many chances as you need but… don't let him down!
Become a football legend
You'll start playing Stop & Goal as a fan and then you make the step up to the pro level. ¿Are you capable of becoming a soccer legend?
Challenge your friends
Become the best at stopping the chronometer, get an amazing record and challenge. Will you be able to step up to the plate? Find out who the best footballer is in this penalty shootout game!!
- 7 different levels in order to become the best soccer player
- 1 difficult champion
- League tables and achievements
- Beat your own record
- Share your record on social media
- Challenge your friends in Stop & Goal.
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